This picture was taken the morning of October 28th. September and October have been busy with farm improvements. I hope you get a chance to look at the updated pictures on Farm Gallery page. We did have a good time accomplishing more than we thought we would. The good weather helped a lot.
Of course, there are things to finish up on everyting we did. The lift wasn't high enough to finish the front of the barn. Hopefully, we will be able to finish it next year. The barnyard is much better now that it isn't a mudhole. We still have some dirt to move around, redirect the water off the barn roof and get some vegetation growing over the exposed dirt. But it looks so much nicer!
I picked some carrots and beets from the garden on Sunday and roasted them with shredded cabbage, olive oil, fresh rosemary, salt and cracked pepper. When you roast them a long time it brings out a lovely sweet flavor.
I still have many carrots and onions to pick but am leaving them in the ground for now. I have one beautiful turnip to save for Thanksgiving. My Mom always had mashed turnip for Thanksgiving. (In truth, it's rutabaga but we always called it turnip)
The gardens need a good weeding before the snow comes to stay. Last year as I pulled up the dead plants in the vegetable garden I noticed the worms nestled around the roots so I think I may leave some of the dead plants for the soil life this winter. I've never read or heard anything about this but it seems like it would be beneficial for the soil food web.