Have any of you used Soil Blockers? They are used to make soil blocks to start seeds in. They have different sizes so you can put a smaller block into a larger block as the plant grows. They take the place of plastic seedling and transplant pots. One customer adds Devine Gardens vermicompost to her soil mix when making these blocks and she really likes them. Maybe I'll invest some money in them next year. If you would like to find out more about them their website is www.soilblockers.co.uk If you use them please let me know if you like them and think they are worth the money. It seems like you would want to get several sizes.
I ordered seeds on Monday from Fedco. They are a great seed company and their catalog is filled with whimsical drawings and tidbits of information. Today, I learned of a company in the Finger Lakes area, Fruition Seeds - providing organic seed grown in the northeast. Their website is www.fruitionseeds.com
From Gardeners.comwebsite is a fun tool to design your own square foot garden. They also have several pre-planned gardens and planting guides for the different species of plants. There is even "a fun for kids garden". The whole Kitchen Garden Planner is a lot of fun and I can think of many adults and kids that would love to play around with it.